Sunday, March 5, 2017

Zen doodle week 6

For my zen doodle this week I decided to look up some basic how to draw diagrams on Pinterest and draw them.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Zen Doodle week 4

For my zen doodles this week I decided to work on perspective, shading, and lines.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Zen Doodle Week 3

So this is something I doodled while playing around with the Infinite Painter app on google. I found a brush I liked called svetlana that does this neat splatter effect and so I figured I would make a little meadow scene with it. It pretty much came out looking like something a 3 year old would draw with crayons but oh well all great artists must start somewhere and I spent way too much time on it to go back and start over. Also I'm not a great artist. Not even a good one.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

First zen doodle

This is a little picture I'm working on as a visual aid for some of my hobbies and things I'm interested in. I'm using the autodesk sketch app to make it.